Sunday, 14 September 2014


It will be wise to know how acne is formed before discussing how to treat it.This knowledge will help us understand how the treatment works.

Causes of Acne

Experts believe that the primary cause of acne (be it on the face, back, chest, etc) is a rising level of androgen. Androgen or androgenic hormone is a brand term used to describe steroid hormone that stimulates the development of male sexual characteristics.
A well known androgen is
This rise in androgen occurs when a human reaches puberty. When the androgen levels rise, the oil glands under the skin grow and become enlarged thereby producing more sebum (oil). Increased oil production causes a change in the manner the skin cells mature. Most often, this change causes the skin cells to clog or plug the follicular pores, making the clog to appear as:
  • Whitehead if the pore is covered by a thin layer of skin.
  •  Blackheads occur when the darker portion of the clog is exposed to air.
  • Blackheads and whiteheads are generally called comedones.  When the hair follicle is plugged, it gradually enlarges, producing a bump. As the follicle enlarges, its wall may rupture allowing both irritating substances and normal skin bacteria access into the deeper layers of the skin. This is the cause of acne inflammation.
  • If the inflammation occurs near the skin surface, a pustule is formed.
  • If the inflammation occurs deeper in the skin, a papule (pimple) results.
  •  If however, the inflammation is deeper still, it forms a cyst.
Best Treatment for Acne
Now that we have known that acne is caused by clogging of the follicular pores by oil resulting from increased secretion of androgens, we can understand the treatment better. The methods and products recommended below are the best treatment for acne because they are effective, can be done at home, and the few products can be bought over the counter or from online stores like
  1. Wash the affected area at least twice daily: the affected area should be washed continuously for at least one minute. It takes at least this long to kill all the bacteria that cause pimple. NOTE: If you wear makeup, never go to bed with it. Ensure that you wash off the makeup with oil-free makeup remover. Sleeping with makeup is a way of encouraging pimples and thereby making it difficult to get rid of acne. 
  2. Acnefree
  3. Use products that contain benzoyl peroxide:  Benzoyl peroxide is the active ingredient in most acne treatment products. It works by killing the acne-causing bacteria and by causing the skin to dry and then peel. It is therefore normal to feel dryness around acne spots when using any product containing this compound. Trusted benzoyl peroxide product I know is Acnefree 24 Hour Acne Clearing System KitThis is a 24 hour acne clearing system. It is the best treatment for acne because the kit contains:  one 4-ounce bottle of cleanser, one 4-ounce bottle of toner, and one 2-ounce bottle of lotion (10 total ounces). This 3-in-1 acne product is dermatologist recommended, so its efficacy is sure! The good news is that it sells below $10 on
  4. Alternatively to benzoyl peroxide, products with salicylic acid are also very good. This salicylic acid helps to get rid of dead skin cells. It does not stop there as it encourages new skin growth. When using this product, you may experience an initial dryness and even scaliness around the acne spot. This will however stop with continued use as the skin cells tend to regenerate as a faster rate.

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